All Friday night, I had contractions that were just painful enough to keep me awake and annoyed. I assumed they were just Braxton-Hicks (false labor), so I drank tons of water and kept changing positions but nothing helped. They finally just went away at about 4 AM on Saturday morning.
Around 9 AM on Saturday, the contractions came back, but again, I assumed they were just Braxton-Hicks. Matt, Jackson, and I went out to breakfast at Crepeville and walked around the Farmers' Market. On the way home (around 11:30 AM), I decided that since my contractions seemed to be getting more painful, I should start writing down the time when each one started. At 1:30 PM, they were about 20 minutes apart and getting a bit more painful (like menstrual cramps), so I called the ob-gyn on call. She basically said not to worry about it unless they get about 5 minutes apart.
At 6:30 PM, my contractions were still about 10 minutes apart, but a little more painful, and I didn't want to spend another night awake with contractions so I called the ob-gyn again. She said to go to the birthing center and they would check me out. I threw some necessities in my hospital bag and brought it with me just in case.
By the time Matt, Jackson, and I got to the hospital and they hooked me up to the monitors, my contractions were varying from 3-8 minutes and were VERY painful (like the worst menstrual cramps EVER). The nurse said it would only take about 20 minutes to have me on the monitors and make a decision about whether to send me home or do a c-section, so Matt and Jackson went to wander around and I was to call them when I was ready to go (we assumed I would be sent home). Finally, and hour and a half later (at 9 PM), I was told that since I couldn't talk through my contractions they were going to schedule a c-section for 10 PM that night.
Aunt Judy came and hung out with Jackson (who fell asleep and missed all of the excitement) at the hospital, while Matt came into the operating room with me. Everything went quickly and smoothly.
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