Sunday, April 26, 2009

Jackson Crawls Forward and Mows the Lawn!

Yes, today was a big day for Jackson. After only being able to crawl backward for several weeks now, Jackson FINALLY figured out how to crawl forward today! The poor guy was getting so frustrated from scooting away from things he wanted in front of him, that he would whine and carry on until I couldn't take it any more, and I would just hand him the desired object. I know, I know, I'm sure I slowed down his learning curve by handing things to him, but so would you if you had heard his pathetic cries for help! A couple of days ago, he figured out that he could drag himself forward with his arms, but he couldn't get his arms and legs to work together, so he would just drag his legs behind him. He looked like a soldier in training, when they drag themselves through the mud on their stomaches, under barbed wire. Yeah, pretty sad. Anyway, suffice it to say that Jackson and I are BOTH very happy that he can crawl forward using his arms AND his legs now.

Jackson's other big feat of the day was helping his daddy to mow the lawn. He actually only did a couple of passes with the mower, but it was the cutest thing ever!

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