Monday, December 19, 2022

Norwegian Krumkake


  • Traditionally made at Christmas time.  
  • Must contain cardamom to be considered Norwegian.


  • 2 ¼ cup of sifted all-purpose flour

  • 1 ½ cup sugar
  • 3 tablespoon cornstarch
  • ¾ teaspoon crushed cardamom
  • 6 eggs
  • 6 tablespoon heavy whipping cream
  • 1 ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 12 tablespoon melted butter, but not hot 


  1. Add flour, sugar, cornstarch, and cardamom to large bowl. Mix well.
  2. In smaller bowl, beat eggs and then add cream, vanilla, and butter. Mix well
  3. Add liquid mixture into dry mixture and combined until a smooth peanut butter like consistency
  4. Preheat krumkake maker (set between 4 and 5)
  5. Each Krumkake will require about 1 ½ tablespoons of batter. Add batter to your Krumkake maker and cook until golden brown. For my tool, this is about 2 minutes.
  6. Remove with fork and use Krumkake tool to form into cone before it cools down
  7. Allow grill to heat back up, repeat until batter is gone
  8. Sprinkle with powdered sugar. Fill with whipped cream and fruit. Eat! 
Makes approximately 30 krumkake

Friday, June 8, 2018

Our House Is Sold!

Thanks to our house looking so great and the housing market being so crazy right now, we found a buyer within a few days.  It closed escrow in only 21 days, so just a little over a month after putting our house on the market, it was sold, we had moved out, and the new owners had moved in.  So fast!

On the day we moved out, Jackson and Tera still had a week of school left in the school year and Jackson had over a week left in his Little League season, so we stayed at the campground nearest to Davis, which is in West Sacramento, and drove them back and forth.

I am happy to say that a family bought our house.  The husband works for Morgan Stanley, the wife is beginning her medical residency, and they have a four year old child.

Family Reactions to Moving

Matt:  Relief and excitement.  He couldn't wait to leave Davis.

Jackson:  Not sad.  Ready to move on to something new.

Tera:  Sad, because she will miss her friends.

Judi:  Sad, but excited.. sad...looking forward to new adventures...tear-eyed, sad, and nervous...and I'll miss my friends...but relieved.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Our Davis Home Goes On the Market

Today is a bitter-sweet day for me. We put our home for the last 12 years on the market today. We are moving on to bigger, better things: traveling around the U.S. for several months and then relocating near Santa Cruz, CA. We're excited to live near the beach and coastal mountains, and nearer to the many family members that live in the Bay Area.

But it's hard leaving the only home that Jackson and Tera have ever known.  They came home to this house after they were born, and their hand and foot prints are in the cement by the playhouse that Matt built for them, and we have celebrate many birthdays and holidays here.  It is also difficult to move several hours away from our many wonderful friends that we now consider family. *wipes tear*

 Living Room

 Jackson hanging out in the living room



Desk in kitchen

 Master Bedroom

 Hall Bathroom

 Hall Bathroom

Jackson's Bedroom

Jackson's Bedroom

Tera's Bedroom

Saturday, September 21, 2013


These are a few cute/funny things Tera says:

oatmilk = oatmeal

peckeroni = pepperoni

Uncle Judy = Aunt Judy

dunk my head = duck my head

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Tera's First Work Of Art

Notice that Tera's first work of art was done in the same medium as Jackson's first work of art.  :)

Friday, December 17, 2010

Play Ball!

Jackson and I were just shooting baskets with his myriad of balls, when he noticed one was dented in on one side. He pointed to the dent and said, "Uh-oh!". I told him, "It's okay! We just need to put more air into it." After which he put his mouth on the ball and blew on it, then proudly stated, "I fixed it!"

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Jackson and Tera

The first "conversation" Jackson had with Tera was while she was crying in the car (she does NOT like riding in the car). As we pulled into our driveway, Jackson said, "Don't cry, Baby! We home! It's fun!" It was pretty touching how he was trying to console her. Before that moment, the only thing he ever said to her was, "Hi, Baby!"

For the first 4 months of Tera's life, Jackson insisted on calling her "Baby" or "My Baby", but NEVER Tera. Finally, he will now call her Tera about 25% of the time. By the way, his friends have called her Baby Tera since day 1 . . .